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Palou Phelps Park Volunteer Workday

  • Palou Phelps Mini Park 1801 Palou Ave SF, CA, 94124 United States (map)

Please register in advance via the official SFRPD portal here (filter by District 10, Habitat Restoration, and/or the date).

Join us in restoring wildlife habitat at the base of Palou and Phelps Hill in cooperation with the Friends of Palou Phelps and SF Recreation & Parks (SFRPD).

This workday happens every 1st Saturday of the month.

Nature in the City started the Palou Phelps project as a means to preserve a native grassland habitat from the threat of development. The habitat is one of the few native grasslands remaining in San Francisco and is vital to local pollinators.
Learn more about the Palou Phelps Park project here.

Come ready to get your hands dirty!

April 27

Green Hairstreak Butterfly Open House and Bioblitz

May 4

Backyard Natives Nursery Volunteer Workday