Youth in Action

It's all about teens, nature, and joy!

Hi, I'm Zoe, a junior at Lowell High School, and I'm thrilled to be part of the Youth in Action program. We're here to bring nature into your life, teach you about native habitats, and introduce you to volunteering.

Join us at Nature in the City on workdays, hang out with friends, and discover the beauty of volunteering. We know that finding volunteer opportunities can be tough for teens like us. We worry about safety, feeling like newcomers, and not knowing where to start. Nature in the City is perfect for us—they adore wildlife and make nature a blast for everyone.

With Youth in Action, we aim to break down barriers by offering easy volunteering in the city and building a passionate youth community.

Our mighty youth! Left to right (pictured below) are Nature in the City’s former Operations & Development Assistant Isobel Readdie, Youth in Action program volunteer Zoe Ivatt, and College Corps Intern Precious Osagie-Amayo/Photo: Laura Castellini.

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