
We inspire people to volunteer hands-on & advocate for San Francisco's environment.

Since 2005, we've brought people together to engage with nature through habitat restoration, civic action, and nature walks all over San Francisco (using our Nature in the City map, of course!)

Curious? Download the iNaturalist app! Help our citizen science efforts by discovering new species and adding your own observations to our projects.


Tigers on Market Street: BART/MUNI Canopy Living Roofs

Amidst the bustle of Market Street, new homes are being developed – for the Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly, that is! Roof design plans are now complete featuring habitat with the butterfly’s favorite host plants. Think, living roofs, native plant hanging baskets, exhibitions stations, and more!


Green Hairstreak Corridor

See how local neighbors have helped save the iridescent Green Hairstreak Butterfly from local extinction. We're restoring 11 sites to create a green corridor to connect once isolated butterfly populations.

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Local Nature Walks & Events

Our walks take place throughout San Francisco. Even in our dense city, rich biodiversity is to be found when you know where to look. Let us show you!



Our team of skilled professionals provides services for public and private San Francisco gardens. We create and maintain climate stabilizing, habitat supporting gardens that support San Francisco’s biodiversity goals.


Nature in the City Map

This double-sided map shows you the plants, animals, landscape, and waterways of San Francisco; produced after a three-year collaboration with our partners.


Palou Phelps Park

Palou Phelps Park is a rare native wildflower grassland, an endangered ecosystem in the US. Today, this park is under threat of development. To address this issue, we're working with Friends of Palou Phelps and SF City agencies to improve public access and prevent the park from future development.  


Adah's Stairway

This great civic space honors local walking advocate, Adah Bakalinsky. Today we support her vision to enhance the connection for wildlife between Buena Vista Park and nearby neighborhoods through ecological restoration. 


Backyard Nursery Network

We provide educational resources to empower volunteers to grow plants from seed in any backyard. The grown plants support ecological restoration projects throughout San Francisco. This is one way you can help restore wildlife habitat at home.

One individual cannot possibly make a difference alone. It is individual efforts, collectively, that makes a noticeable difference—all the difference in the world. — Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, primatologist